• 1. Acupuncture FAQ
  • 2. Chinese Herbal Medicine FAQ
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  • 1. What should I expect from receiving my first acupuncture treatment?

    Your first acupuncture visit consists of an initial one-hour consultation and treatment, upon which a thorough medical history is taken. Ample time is allowed for you to explain your health concerns and goals. Upon the second session a report of findings regarding your health condition is discussed and a recommendation will be made regarding length and frequency of treatment. The length of time that needles stay in the body varies depending on the condition of the patient. Herbal Medicine consultation  are included in the initial interview if required.

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  • 2. Does acupuncture hurt?

    Because the needles have to pierce the skin, you may experience a brief prick when the needles are inserted.  The needles used at TCM health care are best quality available and cause very little discomfort. 

    Once the needles are in, there should be no pain.  At particular points on the body, you are likely to feel a stinging or heaviness sensation while the needles are in.  This sensation is evidence of strong movement of qi while it is coming to effect.

    It is very important that an acupuncture treatment should not be stressful or unpleasant, so if any sensation is too strong, or if you are uncomfortable, you must let your practitioner know.  You should be able to achieve a state of deep relaxation during a treatment. 

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  • 3. Is acupuncture safe?

    The risks of acupuncture are low if you have a competent, certified acupuncture practitioner using sterile needles. Common side effects include soreness and minor bleeding or bruising where the needles were inserted. Single-use, disposable needles are now the practice standard, so the risk of infection is minimal. The needles are solid, unlike hypodermic needles, and are more shallowly inserted into the skin. Please ask if you have any specific questions regarding the safety of acupuncture treatments and always check that you are being treated by a qualified acupuncturist. It is also very important to tell your practitioner about serious illnesses, especially easy bruising and problems with clotting.

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  • 4. How many treatments will I need?

    It depends on your health issue. But after the initial consultation with Kathy Wang will recommend what will be best for you. Some of our clients have had complete symptom relief after one treatment. However, Kim specialises in genuine recovery for good health long-term. Therefore, more treatments are likely to achieve this aim. Fertility treatments may require weekly treatment until conception occurs.Typically, it takes several visits for a positive reaction to take place. Again, we are trying to cause mechanical and biochemical changes without any pharmacological means. Therefore, we are looking for a cumulative response to achieve a certain threshold after which the pain cycle is disturbed.

    Generally, three treatment levels can be used to determine the frequency and longevity of treatments: acute symptom relief, restorative and continuing care. This gives you a clear idea of my plan for you to relieve symptoms and try to maintain your existing health! Know what to expect by these general stages of treatment:

    Acute Symptom Relief Level: an acute pain and/or another condition is interfering in your ability to function in your daily activities as usual. The treatment plan: more frequent visits over the next few weeks or months to relieve and reduce the intensity of the symptoms as quickly as possible. For example, a patient with acute back pain may have 1-2 visits each week for two to five weeks. Remember that each individual is different and some acute pains can be treated more than others. Other will possible notice relief after one or two treatments.

    Restorative Care Level: acute symptoms have been relieved and treatments are decreased in frequency. This level maintains the gains in your health you have made and sets the foundation for a continued deeper healing. Even if the most upsetting symptoms have been alleviated, it is important to continue your treatments as they have a cumulative effect in the body. Over a longer period of time the body will maintain the progress towards wellness you have achieved.

    Continuing Care Level: a longer-term support plan with less frequent visits, monthly or even seasonal for preventative maintenance. This supports strengthening your body’s resistance to illness and keep you optimally healthy.

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  • 5. Do private health care funds cover the cost of acupuncture?

    You will need to check your private health fund carrier for covered acupuncture benefits. You may find your benefits under the title “complementary alternative” treatment in your health fund booklet. Acupuncture is on the rise with more private health find companies willing to reimburse for treatments. I often recommend patients advocate for themselves with their health fund carriers. The higher the demand for acupuncture the more likely health care plan providers will understand the desire of their customers.

    Our practitioners accept most health funds in Australia. See our health cover page for some of the major ones covered. If you have questions regarding your insurance coverage, feel free to contact your insurance company or contact me about your questions.

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  • 6. Is there anything I need to be careful after the treatment?

    Here are some useful tips can help to improve your comfort and enhance the effect of your treatment after your visit to our clinic. As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact our clinic. 

    1. Relaxation & Fatigue
    For most people after treatment, there is a feeling of being very relaxed or even tired – this is normal, it means your body has responded to the treatment. We suggest you avoid strong exercise or heavy labour immediately after your appointment and take it easy for at least 4 hours.

    2. Rest
    After your treatment, sometimes you may feel slightly dizzy, drowsy or a bit of a headache. Even if you do not have any of these sensations, we recommend that you allow yourself a few minutes to rest in our waiting room with a drink of water (room temperature or warmer) to give your body time to readjust and rebalance.

    3. Bruising, Small Lumps, Pain
    After some treatments (acupuncture, scrubbing, cupping, massage), sometimes bruising, small lumps or pain can occur on certain acupuncture points or channels. This is an indication of the body clearing out stagnation of the toxins. It will usually clear within a few days. If for any reason you do not want this to happen to you, please let us know so we can avoid certain treatments for you.

    4. Mild Bleeding
    Sometimes when we remove the acupuncture needles, very mild bleeding occurs. This generally stops straight away. Mild bleeding is another way of clearing stagnation or heat from under the acupuncture point.

    5.  Queries or Concerns
    After your consultation and treatment, if you have any questions or feedback, please give a call to our clinic 9332 9925 or the after hour mobile 0426247771 

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  • 1. Can I just purchase Chinese herb without consultation?

    No. According to the code of conduct of Australian Chinese Medicine Practitioner, the herbal formula prescribed upon the current signs and symptoms of patient and it is a customised and individualised medication. The formula or the patient pill that fits your friends might not be suitable for you. Taking a wrong medication might cause severe unexpected  side effect. 

    Our experienced Chinese Medicine Practitioner will carefully check your signs and symptoms, grab the thorough medical record and the most important, check your tongue and Pulse to prescribe the most suitable medication for your current health condition.



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  • 2. Are there side effects from taking Chinese herbs?

    Chinese herbs are appealing because of their low risk of side effects. The most common side effects are digestive upsets and gas/bloating depending on the body’s ability to digest the herbs. Taking the formula after a meal may alleviate these symptoms in most cases. Choosing herbal combinations based on your body and conditions is important to prevent the possibility of any negative side effects.

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  • 3. How do I prepare and drink the Herbal Medicine powder?
    • Use the special spoon attached in your powder sachet to measure a certain amount of herbal powder. usually 3-4 spoons (6-8g).
    • Put the powder in a cup and pour boiling water into the cup; then stir and drink it warm. If any residue remains at the bottom because of the sticky characteristic of a particular herb (usually a nourish type of herb), repeat the same process and drink it again, so that you don't waste any powder.
    • The process of drinking Chinese herbal powder is similar to drinking instant coffee, except the powder may not dissolve in boiling water as quickly and easily as instant coffee and the powder may not taste as good as coffee. If you don't like the taste of it, you can also put it in empty capsules, which are available in health food stores. Alternatively, you can place the powder on your tongue, hold your breath and wash it down with a cup of warm water. Wash any residue down with another cup of water. This should be done twice daily.
    • prepare some lolli you like to mask the bitter taste of the powder after you drink it.


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  • 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking herbs in decoction, granule, or pill form?

    In general, herbs taken in decoction form have the strongest effect. In this method, the dried herb material is cooked for a period of time, usually about one hour, then strained and drunk as a tea. The disadvantage with this form of administration is the time it takes to cook and prepare the tea, and the relatively strong smell and taste.

    Herbs in concentrated granules are slightly less potent than decoctions when taken at the standard recommended dosage. However their convenience often outweighs this disadvantage. There is no need for cooking as they easily dissolve in fluid, and are therefore time saving and relatively easy to take at home or away. Granules, like decoctions, can be prescribed in individualized formulas that are custom tailored for each person's specific constitution and health concerns.

    Both decoctions and concentrated granules are more potent than herbs in pill form, when taken at the usual recommended dosage. Pills are suitable for conditions where slow, steady herbal support is appropriate, or in acute situations where a high dose may be needed for a short period of time. This form is ideal to take when traveling and for those who are very sensitive to the taste of herbs, or for other reasons find it difficult to take liquid preparations. Herbs in pill form are pre-made, standardized formulations, therefore can be difficult to customize. In order to achieve the targeted response, taking a combination of two or three different formulas in pill form is sometimes necessary.

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